Saturday 5 December 2009

Who else?

(For Min)

Just when you thought,
I know you, but I don’t - we don’t.
I think I’m comfortable, but stretch me,
                But you are here for more than that
                                My anchor
                                Patient lover
Who else would bleed for me like you?
                Sacrifice so much...
See through me, love me, by my side
My poppy blown in the wind, but strong and tall –
                Trampled by my thoughtless feet,
                                But nurtured to blossom bright again –
by the tender handed Gardner
                                A bruised reed – 
Your eyes open me, melt me, expose me, fill me
                Who else could there be?
                Who else could be there?

The one commandment

I was reading the other day that the one new commandment Jesus gave us was not as I quoted in "Assumptions" (“love God with all your heart, soul, body etc”.) but is actually, "Love each other as I have loved you". 

This is even better! It gives us a tangible picture of love - simple, powerful and all consuming. His love for us was total - full of mercy, grace, sacrifice, strength, comfort... so as we experience more of that love direct from him we just do it to everyone else.

One of my favourite thoughts: "Love God then do whatever you want" - awesomely, freeingly, scary stuff!